Learn how the FPS Booster AI filter works

FPS Booster AI filter

Video framerate, or frames per second (FPS), is the frequency at which consecutive images (frames) appear on a display. Common FPS rates for videos and movies range from 24 to 60 FPS.

Videos with a framerate lower than 20 FPS often appear choppy, creating a 'breaking' motion effect that can be uncomfortable to watch for extended periods. To understand how FPS impacts the smoothness of motion, check out the example video below.

For an improved visual experience, using an FPS booster is recommended when the video framerate falls below 20 FPS.

It's important to note that the human eye typically can't process visual information faster than 60 FPS, making higher rates redundant for most viewers.

You can easily determine a video's framerate using your preferred media player or by checking the FPS column on the Uploaded videos page.
Uploaded videos page

Modern video cameras generally record at 60 FPS, and converting videos with lower framerates to 60 FPS is recommended, as it's the current standard. Major video platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok support 60 FPS, significantly enhancing the viewing experience.

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