Learn how the Face Enhancer AI filter works

Face Enhancer AI filter

Whether recording a family call or capturing a business presentation via a video call, there's often at least one person whose video appears blurry or lacks sharpness. While you might want to share these videos, their poor quality can make you hesitant. This is where the AI Face Enhancer comes into play, enhancing your video to a quality that makes it enjoyable and shareable.

For optimal outcomes with the AI Face Enhancer, consider these tips:

  1. Use on Front-Facing Faces:This filter works best with faces that are directly facing the camera. It may not be as effective on angled, poorly lit, or very small faces.
  2. Start with Decently Quality Videos: For the most accurate enhancement, use videos where faces are clearly visible and have some level of detail. If the face in the video is too lacking in detail, the filter might reconstruct it in a way that doesn't accurately reflect the person's real appearance.
  3. Ideal for Videos with Human Faces: This filter is particularly useful in videos featuring human faces. A common scenario where it can be highly beneficial is in Zoom video calls, where it can significantly improve the clarity of the faces.

The Face Enhancer operates similarly to AI upscaling filters, with a key difference: it specifically targets human faces. This specialized focus often results in more effective enhancements compared to general upscaling, as it is fine-tuned for optimizing facial details.

Troubleshooting Guide:

Issue: Faces are Flickering

If you notice flickering faces accompanied by numerous artifacts, it's likely that the Face Enhancer is having difficulty properly detecting the faces.

Solution: Ensure that the faces in your video are not angled too sharply, are adequately lit, and are not too small in the frame. If these adjustments don't resolve the issue, it may be more effective to turn off the Face Enhancer filter and opt for other AI upscaling filters instead.

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